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16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (September 23-27, 2013, Paris, France)
FIELD EMISSION AND CONSEQUENCES AS OBSERVED AND SIMULATED FOR CEBAF UPGRADE CRYOMODULES, 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, 2013, Frank Marhauser et al. (Muons, Inc.)
NOVEL SRF GUN DESIGN, 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, 2013, Frank Marhauser et al. (MuPlus, Inc.)
Project X, SRF, and Very Large Power Stations
Muons, Inc., Fermilab, JLAB, SNS; Accelerators for America's Future Symposium (26 Oct. 2009)
Accelerator-driven subcritical (ADS) nuclear power stations operating at 5 to 10 GW in an inherently safe region below criticality without generation of greenhouse gases, producing minimal nuclear waste and no byproducts that are useful to rogue nations or terrorists, incinerating waste from conventional nuclear reactors, and efficiently using abundant thorium fuel that does not need enrichment, are the ultimate goals. First, the feasibility of the accelerator technology must be demonstrated. Fermilab has already proposed a $1B to $1.5B 8-GeV super-conducting RF (SRF) linear accelerator called Project-X for particle physics at the intensity and energy frontiers. Muons, Inc. proposes to work with its SBIR-STTR partners Fermilab, JLab, and SNS to extend this linac design to become also a prototype for a practical accelerator for ADS reactors and to provide beams for reactor development.
Accelerator-driven subcritical (ADS) nuclear power stations operating at 5 to 10 GW in an inherently safe region below criticality without generation of greenhouse gases, producing minimal nuclear waste and no byproducts that are useful to rogue nations or terrorists, incinerating waste from conventional nuclear reactors, and efficiently using abundant thorium fuel that does not need enrichment, are the ultimate goals. First, the feasibility of the accelerator technology must be demonstrated. Fermilab has already proposed a $1B to $1.5B 8-GeV super-conducting RF (SRF) linear accelerator called Project-X for particle physics at the intensity and energy frontiers. Muons, Inc. proposes to work with its SBIR-STTR partners Fermilab, JLab, and SNS to extend this linac design to become also a prototype for a practical accelerator for ADS reactors and to provide beams for reactor development.
1 Rol Johnson
R. P. Johnson
Muons, Inc.
New inventions are improving the prospects for high luminosity muon colliders for Higgs or Z’ factories and at the energy frontier. Recent analytical calculations, numerical simulations, and experimental measurements are coming together to make a strong case for a series of devices or machines to be built, where each one is a precursor to the next. If chosen correctly, each device or machine with its own unique experimental and accelerator physics programs can drive the development of muon cooling and acceleration theory and technology.  This strategy can achieve an almost unlimited program of experimental physics based on the cooling and acceleration of muon beams. The very first step of the program is to develop stopping muon beams by using a 6D muon cooling segment (momentum-dependent Helical Cooling Channel with emittance exchange using a homogeneous energy absorber) to test the theory and simulations and to improve the mu2e experiment.
2 Slava Derbenev
Yaroslav Derbenev
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
An overview of HCC theory and discussion of an epicyclic extension.
3 Mary Anne Cummings
Mary Anne Cummings
Muons, Inc.
HCC Uses
4 Chuck Ankenbrandt
Chuck Ankenbrandt
Muons, Inc.
mu2e Improvements
5 Vladimir Kashikhin
Vladimir Kashikhin
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Helical Solenoid Magnets
6 Katsuya Yonehara
Katsuya Yonehara
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
HCC Concepts and Simulations
7 Bob Abrams
Bob Abrams
Muons, Inc.
MANX Detectors
8 Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Muons, Inc.
Simulation programs, MICE Connections
Stopping Muon Beams Phase II proposal
2 Papers on Industrial Accelerators (PPPS07 June, Albuquerque, NM, and AccApp07 July, Pocatelo, ID)
The experiment we will propose involves the construction of a 4 meter long, innovative superconducting magnet called a Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) and the measurement of its beam cooling properties. The measurement also requires a 300 MeV/c muon beam line equipped with up and downstream matching sections, particle spectrometers, and particle ID detectors. The expected cooling factor of nearly 500% will be a striking demonstration of a new technique to cool all dimensions of a muon beam in a time much shorter than the muon lifetime.
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